McCarroll McConnell Insurance Brokers understand that many parents aren’t sure if Student contents insurance is necessary or not. Now is the time when many students are moving away to university or college. Often that can include them taking laptops, televisions, sound systems and printers which are valuable possessions. Of course these items need to be covered by an insurance policy.
Is Student Insurance necessary? – McCarroll McConnell Insurance
Many Insurance brokers offer something called Student Contents Insurance. However at McCarroll & McConnell most of our Household Insurance policies will automatically include cover for students belongings whilst at university, including computers and electronics. That means that a separate policy to cover students contents could be an unnecessary cost at this already expensive time.
McCarroll McConnell insurance brokers in Northern Ireland offer competitive home insurance which also covers student possessions. We offer excellent competitive rates which can be tailored to your needs.
At McCarroll McConnell we have over 45 years of dealing with home insurance. To speak to us about competitive home insurance or if you have any questions about Student Insurance please give us a call on 028 2565 3053 or send an email to We can help you to find a home insurance which covers your student and their belongings meaning that other policies, such as Student Contents Insurance aren’t necessary.